Hawai’i QSO Party Rules
Purpose |
Promote contacts between as many Hawai’i and non-Hawai’i stations as possible. |
Rules |
1. Operating period is 48 hours from 0400 UTC Aug 24 through 0359 UTC Aug 26, 2024. Note: That’s 6pm Friday Aug 23 in Hawaii. 2. Stations must be worked only on the 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meter bands. 3. Stations can be worked only once per band-mode (CW, SSB, digital). 4. Digital mode includes ALL digital modes (RTTY, PSK, QPSK, FT-x, VarAC, etc) as “digital” 5. Use of spotting networks is permitted and encouraged. 6. Operation must conform to home country regulations. 7. Logs must be submitted electronically no later than 14 days following the event. |
Exchange |
Hawai’i stations send signal report plus Hawai’i Multiplier Non-Hawai’i stations send signal report plus State or Province as appropriate. Non-USA / Canada stations send “DX” NOTE: If you’re mode cannot send the proper QTH name, then a Grid Square (4 characters) is allowed. DETAILS |
Categories |
S/O QRP Single operator limited to 5 watts or less S/O LP Single operator limited to 100 watts or less S/O HP Single operator limited to 1500 watts or legal maximum, which ever is less. M/S LP Multiple operator, single station (one radio only), 100 watts maximum. M/S HP Multiple operator, single station (one radio only), 1500 watts or legal limit. M/M LP Multiple operator, multiple stations, 100 watts maximum. M/M HP Multiple operator, multiple stations, 1500 watts or legal limit max. |
Contacts |
Hawai’i stations work anyone – non-Hawai’i stations work only Hawai’i Note: Each station can be worked three times per band. Once each on CW, SSB, digital (digital is any binary mode including RTTY, FT8, FT4, Winlink P2P, etc.) |
Points |
SSB: 2 points CW: 3 points digital: 3 points |
Contest Multipliers |
Non-Hawaiian stations: 14 Hawai’i districts per band. Maximum of 84 (6 bands x 14 districts) See a map and list of Hawai’i multipliers here. Hawai’i stations: 14 Hawai’i districts plus US states (including DC), plus Canadian provinces, plus DXCC entities. ONCE ONLY – NOT PER BAND – Note: Grid Squares are allowed if a Muliplier name is not possible for the mode (ex: FT8). Log checking will determine the most likely multiplier and apply it to the final score. |
Score |
Final Score is the total number of QSO points times the number of earned multipliers. |
Awards |
All participants are eligible for a Certificate of Achievement. Special awards for the top finishers in each Category listed above. |
Suggested Frequencies |
CW: 1815 or 30-40 kHz up from the bottom edge of each band SSB: 1845, 3850, 7230, 14250, 21300, 28450 please avoid nets digital: Follow the ARRL Band Plan and local regulation as needed. |
Log Submission |
All logs must be submitted no later than 14 days after the event at the HQP Log Upload Page Logs should follow the Cabrillo 3 format. Details |
Software |
Several loggers are available that support HQP. They include: Writelog, N1MM, N3FPJ, SD by EI5DI, GenLog, Skookum Logger |
For questions, please email to info@hawaiiqsoparty.org