KH6BB in the 2011 Hawai’i QSO Party

The 2011 Hawaii QSO Party was a huge success.

We had two stations operating at various times on 40, 20, and 15 meters (17 meters, often a good band for us, was not permitted by contest rules). Propagation was excellent the entire weekend, with openings to Europe on Friday night, early Saturday morning, Saturday night, and early Sunday morning. The European openings actually slowed us down because of many stations calling that ignored requests for partial call signs.

We ended up with 1030 contacts in 53 countries on all continents, 48 states (missed Vermont and Rhode Island, who were undoubtedly busy with Hurricane Irene), 8 Canadian provinces, and 8 of the possible 11 Hawaii multipliers (there was no one else on Ford Island for us to work, missed ALØHA on Moku Is. and nobody on Ni’ihau). Best DX probably Namibia and the Republic of South Africa.

Unfortunately we were short of manpower on Saturday afternoon and evening, and were down to one operating position, which cut into our score a bit. Next year we should try to do some more specific scheduling to even things out.

Thanks to our operators/loggers, in alphabetical order:

Ray Fabre, WH6ASW
Bill Kendall, KH6OO
Gus MacFeeley, NH7J
John Vorbau, KH6HAM
Pete Wokoun, KH6GRT
Ned Conklin, KH7JJ

And thanks as always to our sponsors and supporters on the USS Missouri staff, Keven Williamson and Mike Wiedenbach.

73   Ned KH7JJ